Guess I'm in the running for worst blogger ever. oops. I have so much fun reading everyone elses' blogs that I forget to write on my own....
Anyway this weekend I have listened to a lot of broadway cause my mom is doing the roadshow for our ward so she brings up songs and I remember I haven't listened to them for a while and get out the CD's (She actually suggested I sing in the roadshow because I know so many of the songs... I think I just laughed)
What else? I did my taxes ... so exciting. Well actually it kind of was cause I thought I was going to have to pay, but I'm actually going to get a nice chunk of change back from the feds. I might just go out and by a laptop of my own with the money, so I won't have to fight my dad for the computer anymore.
hopefully it won't be so long before my next post and it will be a bit more exciting.
Slideshow: Jan. 23 - 30
11 years ago