The person who sits next to me at work had caller today who kept getting angry and explaining how horrible we were at our jobs by saying "you people need to.... why don't you people..." it was probably a 15 minute "conversation" with "you people" used in every sentence. The lady next to me, who has a ton of patience, literally growled when she hung up the phone. (I was smiling in my cubicle enjoying the fact that I am not on phones in the afternoon.)
I love sitting where I do at work because I always here the most interest comments from my coworkers. There is another lady who sits by me who calls everyone hon and darling ... and says stuff like "I got an answer for you .. NO" when people call in and say they have a question. She is funny to listen to because she just tells it like it is and tries to lighten things with a joke, which is often unappreciated by stuffy CPA's and people being billed. In between her and me is a guy who has the dryest sense of humor and makes fun of us (mostly her) while we are on the phones. He sometimes pretends to hide from us when he sees us coming to ask him a question because we are always double checking our answers with him, but I think he secretly likes being the one everyone asks (he has been there longer and knows a lot more).
People call in and ask us a lot of weird questions but I think my favorite is still when people call in and ask "where is my refund?" and we are forced to explain that they owed taxes and inform them of when we received their payment.
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