Thursday, May 1, 2008


I totally stink at blogging-- so I am borrowin a funny story from my sister. My sister has been texting this guy Jacob in her pharmacy class all semester long, then when she talks to him in person it's like completely weird because he ignores her questions. So Yesterday she sends and e-mail from her phone and signs it with her name. A little while later she gets a text message saying hey Niki this is Erik I was wondering who had been texting me all semseter. She had been texting the WRONG person the whole semseter. I laughed so hard when she ended her story by saying "So many things made mch more sense after finding out it was Erik"


Delia D'Nell said...

you have to love Niki she is so crazy sometimes! What a cutie, the story made me laugh!

Delia D'Nell said...
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Erin Stones said...

Hey Shanny- Jake and I finally have a blog- check it out!