Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Job

As most of you have prolly heard, I got a new job at the Tax Commission .... so I "officially" moved on Tuesday and got started on my new job today ... funny thing is my "new" job was created so they could get rid of my old unit, so as training for my new job I will basically be doing my old job and slowly taking on new tasks (and getting paid almost twice as much)... I was excited about my new job cause I thought I would have less time on the phone but as it turns out for a while at least I'll probably be answering more phone calls, because the other people in my old unit will be leaving before the people that were hired in the new positions are trained on the phones... oh well at least the days will go fast because I'll be busy.

1 comment:

Erin Stones said...

Hey- I tagged you on my blog. So... tag you are it!